How to Start & Grow a Successful WordPress Theme Business [Interview]

How to Start & Grow a Successful WordPress Theme Business [Interview]

I’m a former stock broker and entrepreneur located in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. I’m the founder and CEO of MH Themes, a WordPress theme company specializing in professional magazine WordPress themes for online magazines, news websites and advanced blogs. Today, we’re making around $360k in yearly revenue.

How to Get More Sales (For Yourself & Clients!) with Opt-Ins [Video Tutorial]

How to Get More Sales (For Yourself & Clients!) with Opt-Ins [Video Tutorial]

You don’t have to wait until you onboard a client to start building a relationship with them and establishing trust. Generating loyalty with your audience can happen at any time. A great way to start making those genuine connections is by giving them something of great value. With a content upgrade, not only do visitors acquire a free and super valuable resource, but you now have a way to directly get in touch with leads by email.

The Ultimate Guide to Social Media for Freelancers [Step by Step Guide]

The Ultimate Guide to Social Media for Freelancers [Step by Step Guide]

I get it. Social media is a tough nut to crack. And that’s exactly why I made this checklist because I think it will help freelancers pulling all their hair out with no idea where to start. Here, I’ve laid out an easy-to-follow, actionable social media checklist for freelancers who want to use social media to get more clients.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Career Growth for WordPress Professionals [Guide & Video Interview]

A Step-by-Step Guide to Career Growth for WordPress Professionals [Guide & Video Interview]

It doesn’t matter whether you’ve gone into business for yourself or you work for someone else. Your original goal probably wasn’t to remain in the same position for the rest of your life; you wanted to experience professional growth. For those of you that run your own business, there is even more opportunity to grow as its wholly yours to control: your revenue, your client base, and even your personal growth. But it can be difficult to do when you don’t know where to grow to.

How to Make Money on the Side While Going to School

How to Make Money on the Side While Going to School

Regardless if you’ve spent your summers side-hustling for extra cash, building experience as an intern or traveling across the globe, it doesn’t have to end. Side-hustling is great way to make it happen. Whether you’re already working a part-time gig or hope to find one that’ll help beef up your pocketbook, here’s how to get (and keep) work that you’ll be able to manage during those busy days of school.

13 Steps to Managing WordPress Sites [List]

13 Steps to Managing WordPress Sites [List]

Getting your website up and running is a great first step towards building an online presence for your brand and business. However, once your website is live, your job is not done. While WordPress is powerful and easy to use, there are certain steps you need to take to ensure your website continues to operate without any issues and converts your visitors into customers.

How WordPress Web Professionals Can Thrill Clients

How WordPress Web Professionals Can Thrill Clients

It takes a big person to admit that their client relations needs a boost. However, regardless of whether you’re man or mouse, improving client satisfaction is straightforward enough that anyone can do it. In this post, we’ll offer a few key considerations for how to ensure satisfaction among your clients. However, before that, let’s quickly discuss why this is an important aspect of being a stellar web professional!

How Much Should You Discount Digital Products?

How Much Should You Discount Digital Products?

The way you treat your product pricing can have a massive impact on your revenue and how your brand is received by customers – but deciding whether or not to discount your products (and to what extent) can be puzzling. If you run a digital product store, you’re probably wondering which strategy will work best for you. Sure, sales, deals, and special offers are standard practice throughout the eCommerce world, but before you go handing out coupon codes, you’ll want to understand the nuances of discounts – and the different effects that come along with them.

Lifetime Licenses vs. Automatic Annual Renewals for Plugins & Themes [Comparison]

Lifetime Licenses vs. Automatic Annual Renewals for Plugins & Themes [Comparison]

My name is Amir Helzer, founder of OnTheGoSystems (makers of WPML and Toolset). In this article, I’m going to lay out the reasoning behind our recent move from Lifetime licenses to annual automatic renewals for our products. I’ll also explain why I warmly recommend you consider doing the same for your WordPress products. We need to get paid for our work. Clients need peace of mind. Automatic renewals offer exactly what both developers and the clients need.

10 Ways to Sell High End Digital Products [List]

10 Ways to Sell High End Digital Products [List]

Whether you’re selling eBooks, digital artwork, audio, or services, certain marketing elements and strategies are essential if you want to get customers to buy – but this especially true for high-priced products! We’ve pulled together some important tips to help you make the most of your marketing efforts and inspire customers to confidently spend on your high-priced, big ticket products or services!

8 Steps to Writing the Perfect Web Design Proposal [Step-by-Step Guide]

8 Steps to Writing the Perfect Web Design Proposal [Step-by-Step Guide]

The web design proposal is the first document that you and your client will have. Until then, there have probably been some conversations through email or phone calls, but now the ice is broken and it is time to start earning their business. Here’s the step by step guide to writing the perfect proposal.

3 Ways to Serve WordPress Clients: 1-on-1, DYI & Group [Comparison]

3 Ways to Serve WordPress Clients: 1-on-1, DYI & Group [Comparison]

At the end of the day, WordPress clients come to you for the purposes of goal attainment. You are the expert and so they reach out to you in order to get the best results on their path to success. But have you ever considered what is the best way to provide WordPress consulting services to these clients?

How to Boost Slow Sales of Digital Products

How to Boost Slow Sales of Digital Products

It can happen to the best of us: one moment, your digital products are flying off the metaphorical shelves, and the next, things have slowed down so much that you feel the need to take some action – and fast! First things first
 breeeeaaathe. We’ve got you! In this post we’ll look at some actionable steps you can take today to push past the lull and get sales flowing again.

8 Ways to Handle Slow Sales as a Freelancer [List]

8 Ways to Handle Slow Sales as a Freelancer [List]

One of the scariest things for a freelancer is looking ahead at their calendar and seeing nothing but blank spaces on the to-do list. When your freelance sales pipeline is low and you don’t have any upcoming projects, it can be a bit alarming. But the ebb and flow of busy times for freelancers is often normal so don’t get too worked up if you don’t have a lot of work coming up. Instead, use the tips here to attract more projects and keep calm (and busy) during your slow times.

Use WordPress for Your Podcast Websites.  Here’s Why.

Use WordPress for Your Podcast Websites.  Here’s Why.

Podcasting has become a hugely popular industry. This means if you want to build a significant audience for your own podcast, you’ll need to do some groundwork. This usually includes setting up a dedicated website. Let’s talk about why you might want to create a WordPress website for your podcast. Then we’ll explain how you can make that site stand out using podcast-specific themes and plugins. Let’s jump right in!

How Buttonizer Built a Successful WordPress Plugin Business

How Buttonizer Built a Successful WordPress Plugin Business

This WordPress plugin success story comes to us from The Netherlands, where Jeroen and his team are running Buttonizer, a great-looking “floating action button” plugin for WordPress websites with one purpose: to help increase user interactions and conversions on websites.

Selling Digital Products?  Here’s How to Write Copy That Sells!

Selling Digital Products?  Here’s How to Write Copy That Sells!

Are you stumped on how to write compelling digital product copy and descriptions? How do you feature your podcast, e-course, plugin, etc. to its fullest advantage? What’s the best way to make your digital product stand out in a competitive market? The good news is that you don’t have to be an English or marketing major to be able to write great digital product copy. With a little bit of creativity and passion, you can attract online interest and convert visitors into customers.

Why Membership Sites Need Premium Content to Succeed

Why Membership Sites Need Premium Content to Succeed

Building a thriving membership site isn’t easy, and you want to crack the code to success. But first, you must consider the incentives for your potential customers to join your membership site – and stick around. Enter premium content. This kind of super-exclusive content opens the door to a cascade of benefits, from generating interest in your site, monetization, and building revenue, to enhancing brand perception and reinforcing your content authority.

How Blogging Can Support Your Passions [Interview]

How Blogging Can Support Your Passions [Interview]

Frauke De Laender from The Life Factory is a Belgian DIY creator who uses blogging as a way to support her creative passions. She is one of those gals who shows that blogging can be defined on your own terms. You have the freedom to create your path, to adjust the rhythm, to iterate how often you please. She shares how beginner bloggers could start their digital journey.

Why WordPress Freelancers Need a ‘How I Work’ Manifesto

Why WordPress Freelancers Need a ‘How I Work’ Manifesto

This is a solid post from Dean at WP Buffs, who makes the case for freelancers to set out a “how I work” document which sets client expectations. Proactively setting these expectations lets you as the contractor define when you’re working, when you’re available, and how clients can get in touch with you. With these expectations set, most clients will respect the boundaries, won’t have a problem with you not getting back to them at the weekend, and are thus much more likely to have a great experience with you.

How To Get More Clients With Facebook [Guide]

How To Get More Clients With Facebook [Guide]

Thinking about creating a Facebook Group to promote your business? You are in the right place! Read on to find out how we did it! We decided to share a case study about how we grew our group and why you should do it too! Join us for a 10 minutes read where we share the little-known details and the challenges we faced while growing our Facebook group. After using the methods, our Facebook group had a 400% increase in the number of members, but most importantly, our engagement increased with 350%.

How to Sell E-Commerce & SaaS with WordPress [Guide]

How to Sell E-Commerce & SaaS with WordPress [Guide]

There are two main ways to monetize WordPress: you can use it to set up an online store and sell products, either physical or virtual. Or you can use it to power a Software as a Service (SaaS) business, like our own Edublogs. Both of these sound like a great way to earn a living: you don’t have to deal with clients, you don’t have a boss breathing down your neck, and you don’t have to go out looking for freelance work. But before you picture yourself as the next Matt Mullenweg or Jeff Bezos, stop and think about the reality.

How a Payment Gateway Helps Grow Recurring Revenue for WordPress Site Maintenance Plans

How a Payment Gateway Helps Grow Recurring Revenue for WordPress Site Maintenance Plans

You’ve started selling WordPress care plans and you’re excited to begin generating recurring revenue for your business. But let’s say you become incredibly successful in this venture. How the heck are you going to handle processing and tracking those payments? Luckily, with WooCommerce and a trusty payment gateway like Stripe, you don’t have to.

How to Automate Affiliate Income with a Curated Content WordPress Site

How to Automate Affiliate Income with a Curated Content WordPress Site

I’m going to show you how you can automatically curate content and automatically insert relevant affiliate links into that content. You’re going to see the word “automatically” a lot. After the setup process, it’s pretty much 100% hands-off. Want to learn more? Let’s get started.

How to Put Together a WordPress Career Plan

How to Put Together a WordPress Career Plan

So, what’s your career plan? Do you have one? Maybe you don’t? If you don’t, let’s do something about it in this post on how to build a successful career with WordPress. Before you launch yourself into searching for a job, setting yourself up as a freelancer, or launching your agency or your fabulous WordPress product, you should do some planning. This will help ensure success both now and on an ongoing basis.

Top 10 Reasons Selling Digital Products Beats Selling Physical Products [Guide]

Top 10 Reasons Selling Digital Products Beats Selling Physical Products [Guide]

Digital products have become so pervasive that nearly all of the top professional bloggers, speakers, and other influential public figures have taken advantage of the trend, releasing sought-after content like PDF guides, eBooks, podcasts, and videos. Additionally, many independent creators have built entire online stores based around digital products, joining a booming economy of people enjoying greater personal freedom and passive income. So what are the factors and benefits that make these types of products so appealing? Here’s a list of the top reasons why selling digital products is better than selling physical products.

You Don’t Have to be a Developer to Make Money with WordPress – Here’s How!

You Don’t Have to be a Developer to Make Money with WordPress – Here’s How!

You’ve probably heard about this thing called WordPress and how people are using it to make money. They could be developing WordPress themes and plugins or creating amazing websites. You might ask, “can I start a WordPress business of my own?” Let’s assume you have a little experience with WordPress. Maybe you’ve blogged on a WordPress site, or maybe you’ve helped a friend create a small online storefront. You don’t, however, know a lick of code (PHP looks like gobbledy gook on your screen). You’re in luck.

How to Get More WordPress Site Care Clients

How to Get More WordPress Site Care Clients

Lead Nurturing. Lead Generation. Marketing funnels. Sales Funnels. Sales Life Cycle. These are all the various words to describe the process from beginning to end of a customer journey. See, there’s another word, Customer Journey. The bottom line is when you are in business, you need paying customers (or clients). In order to get those customers, you have to develop leads. We know that leads aren’t always ready to buy when you first meet them, but here’s how to close the deal.

How to Sell Digital Courses [Guide]

How to Sell Digital Courses [Guide]

With the internet being the most widespread and easily accessible source of information, e-learning has skyrocketed – and selling digital courses has never been more popular! If you’re thinking about selling digital courses, we’ve put together this guide to help you
 learn (ahem)
 how to get started.

The Pros & Cons of Selling WordPress Themes on Envato’s ThemeForest

The Pros & Cons of Selling WordPress Themes on Envato’s ThemeForest

With WordPress used by over 30% of all websites, the space can be very competitive! A dilemma for WordPress theme developers is whether to go out on their own or distribute through a marketplace. We’re going to explore first-hand experience of selling themes on ThemeForest over five years, and some of the pros and cons of the platform. If you are still deciding which route to take, this can help you choose.

24 Ways for WordPress Freelancers to Sustain Profitability [List]

24 Ways for WordPress Freelancers to Sustain Profitability [List]

If you don’t charge what your consulting services are worth, you’ll soon find you won’t have the ability to offer that service to anyone. The following guide covers everything you need to know to build and sustain profitability in WordPress consulting.

40+ Proven Ways to Make More Money [List]

40+ Proven Ways to Make More Money [List]

I want to cut through all that BS and give you the three best ways you can start making money TODAY, along with 42 more ideas on how you can generate cash on the side. Learn exactly how to make extra money with these cash-generating ideas. Plus, I’ll show you my three favorite ways to start earning more money today.

How to Sell Photographs Online with WordPress [Guide]

How to Sell Photographs Online with WordPress [Guide]

A picture is worth a thousand
dollars? If priced correctly and marketed to the right customers, it certainly could be. Photographs can definitely be distributed as products on the web and there’s a huge market of customers looking for just the right image. There’s a huge market of customers looking for just the right photo. In this article we look into the intricacies of selling photographs.

The Ultimate Tax Guide for WordPress Plugin & Theme Developers [Guide]

The Ultimate Tax Guide for WordPress Plugin & Theme Developers [Guide]

The United States has a number of tax laws on the Federal, State, and Local levels that WordPress theme and plugin developers need to be aware of. This post will talk about the tax implications of things like outsourcing work, incorporating your business, and sales taxes.

How to Succeed as a Freelance Writer [Guide]

How to Succeed as a Freelance Writer [Guide]

Being a freelancer is not a garden full of roses but it is an experience that can be very fulfilling both for your income and your sense of accomplishment. Try asking a web designer how nice is to deal with customers, you’ll understand my point. In this guide I will share with you my personal experience, ideas and methods in hopes that it will inspire you to become a freelance writer.

8 Legit Ways to Start Earning Money with WordPress [List]

8 Legit Ways to Start Earning Money with WordPress [List]

Now days many people have found ways to make tons of money with WordPress. There are many different ways by which you can also earn a living online with it. Have you ever thought of making money using WordPress? If yes, this detailed post is a treat for you where I will be discussing 8 proven ways to make money with WordPress.

Do You Ever Feel Guilty Selling Your WordPress Services?  Don’t,  Here’s Why

Do You Ever Feel Guilty Selling Your WordPress Services?  Don’t,  Here’s Why

Do you ever feel guilty about selling WordPress services to clients? Like somehow you’re ripping them off because you’re doing something they could easily do on their own if only they took time to research it? Or perhaps it’s the fact that WordPress and many of its integrations are free and you feel that your markup is too high? You should never feel guilty about that.

How SEOPress Went From Idea to 10,000 Installs in 12 Months as a Side Project [Interview]

How SEOPress Went From Idea to 10,000 Installs in 12 Months as a Side Project [Interview]

Benjamin Denis is an interesting WordPress plugin creator from France. He agreed to share his entrepreneurial strategies with us, and talk about how he took SEOPress from a mere idea to a sustainable business in one year while working full-time at a web agency.

The Top 10 Reasons You Don’t Close Sales on Website Projects [List]

The Top 10 Reasons You Don’t Close Sales on Website Projects [List]

Rejection is part of the gig. And you know what? It’s okay if a prospect rejects your proposal, so long as the reason for it is valid. Perhaps your style of communication or work doesn’t blend well with the client’s. Or maybe your pricing is too far out of reach for a company of that size. Or maybe they really are happy with their current web designer. When there’s a valid reason for rejection, accept it with grace, thank them for their time, and move on.

Starting a WordPress Business?  Here are 30 Expenses You Should Expect [List]

Starting a WordPress Business?  Here are 30 Expenses You Should Expect [List]

As WordPress gains more and more of the global CMS market share, there are a lot of opportunities to help businesses establish a strong digital presence with it. Needless to say, launching a WordPress business in this environment is a smart move. That said, no matter how slow of a start you have with your WordPress business, there are costs everyone has to contend with.

How to Start a Store to Sell Digital Products [Guide]

How to Start a Store to Sell Digital Products [Guide]

When it comes to creating a digital product store, you have more of an advantage than you might think! There are more advanced eCommerce tools available now than ever before, with plenty of real-world examples to guide you. Take advantage of the trial and error processes that other store owners have gone through in testing out their methods; be observant, and don’t be afraid to try things out for yourself – sometimes you have to experiment to see what works for your specific product and business model.

How to Inspire Customer Confidence When Selling Digital Products [Guide]

How to Inspire Customer Confidence When Selling Digital Products [Guide]

In the era of hackers, fraud, and online theft, customers are taking more precautions than ever with their money – and if you sell digital goods, this means you are likely faced with adjusting your methods to create (or reclaim) customer confidence in your brand and products. Here’s how.

How to be a Successful WordPress Professional [Guide]

How to be a Successful WordPress Professional [Guide]

Professionals make the most money, have the most influence and generally have it good. They also fair well when faced with challenges since they are skilled and hence more confident in their capabilities. They are the creme de la creme, and everybody (read clients) want a piece of their awesomeness. Pros do it big and are as a result the envy of the millions who don’t make the cut. With all these nice things ready for the taking, why wouldn’t anyone want to become the go-to person in their area of expertise? Here’s how to do it.

How to Succeed Juggling Many Roles Running a Bootstrapped Business [Guide]

How to Succeed Juggling Many Roles Running a Bootstrapped Business [Guide]

Most small businesses begin with just one or two people, which inevitably means the founder or founders constantly juggle dozens of different tasks every day. In this post, Pippin Williamson shares some advice on the art of juggling many roles in a bootstrapped eCommerce business.

How to Build a Career as a WordPress Professional in Your Free Time [Guide]

How to Build a Career as a WordPress Professional in Your Free Time [Guide]

Getting established as a WordPress pro isn’t easy. If you want to freelance or set up a WordPress business, you’ll need to build up a list of clients and establish a reputation for yourself. And if you’re looking for a WordPress job, you’ll need to demonstrate that you’ve got experience with WordPress and can work with it at a professional level.

How to Sell WordPress Plugins & Themes [Guide]

How to Sell WordPress Plugins & Themes [Guide]

The thought of ditching your day job, abandoning your clients and selling your themes and plugins can be very tempting. For those who’ve made a success of it, it can be lucrative. But once you’ve written and released your code, the work isn’t over. You’ll need to market it, keep it updated, test it regularly and provide support. But if you follow this advice, your career as a theme or plugin vendor will be more successful and you’ll provide real value to the WordPress community.

How to Start Selling Services as a WordPress Freelancer [Guide]

How to Start Selling Services as a WordPress Freelancer [Guide]

If you gain clients and do well, you can expect the amount of business coming in to grow over time. You might decide you don’t want to take on extra work, or you may choose to grow your business by taking on new staff. Either way, your business will develop as you gain more expertise. As this happens, you can start charging more and taking on bigger and more interesting projects.

How to Make a Living with WordPress [Guide]

How to Make a Living with WordPress [Guide]

People who want to start a career in WordPress usually come in two groupsT: people who’ve been using WordPress as a hobby for a while and want to use their skills to earn a living, and people coming to WordPress from another specialism who can see the potential of the platform. So if you’re in one of these groups, what are the options available to you? Let’s look at some of the career opportunities available!

Starting a Career in WordPress Services: Freelancing vs. Employment [Comparison]

Starting a Career in WordPress Services: Freelancing vs. Employment [Comparison]

Have you ever thought about, or are you considering, selling your time as a WordPress professional, either as a freelancer or through finding paid employment? In both cases, you don’t own the thing you’re producing. Instead, you sell your ability to produce that thing for someone else.