Plugin Developer Stories: Under Construction Page by Ivan Jurisic

The Under Construction Page plugin is a great example of a plugin that delivers well on its concept, without getting too complicated. If you’re looking to develop plugins or other WordPress content, there can be a lot to learn from people who have done it well already.

Below is an interview with Ivan Jurisic from Web Factory, the developers of Under Construction Page. He talks about how the plugin came about, marketing and monetization choices and why they made them, and more, and closes with a peek at what’s next for the plugin and the company.

If you do a quick search for “under construction” on the directory you’re going to find Web Factory ltd’s insanely popular, and smartly named, Under Construction Page plugin right at the top of the list. Under Construction Page is one of those rare plugins you find that advertises itself as simple and without fuss and then truly delivers on the promise. Once you install the plugin you are presented with a simple to use interface that let’s you built a custom under construction front end for your WordPress site without writing a single line of code.

Read full article: Under Construction Page by Ivan Jurisic