How to Fix Your Abandoned Cart Problems [Guide]

If you run an ecommerce store, one of your main goals is likely maximizing sales. One of the major problems sotres run into with this is that even once a customer puts an item in their cart, the purchase is often never completed.

Cart abandonment is a major problem for a lot of online retailers, but fortunately the article below has some advice to help minimize the issue. It offers several tips for reducing abandonment, as well as drawing your customers back even if they leave your site with unpurchased items in their cart.

If you’ve been running your eCommerce store long enough, you’ve probably heard this statistic: 69% of carts are abandoned by shoppers. In fact, you may be a bit tired of hearing that number, especially if you’re not sure if it even applies to your store, or what you can actually do about it.

Read full article: Approaching the Cart Abandonment problem