The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Freelance WordPress Developer [Guide]

There’s a lot about freelance WordPress development that’s appealing. Freedom of work hours, location, and the feeling of creating new things, just to name a few. But it can be difficult to get into if you don’t know where to start.

The article below aims to help with that, breaking down important things to know into three categories: strategic, practical, and technical. It goes into each of this categories in much greater detail, providing a wealth of information to anyone wanting to learn all the basics of freelance WordPress development in one helpful article.

I’ve had many people tell me they want to get started in WordPress development—most commonly on their own as a freelance WordPress developer—but they don’t know how. The more I think about it, the more this makes sense: WordPress development is an enormous subject, and one that reaches far beyond the (also very confusing) WordPress technology itself. In this article, I list and outline the major topics in WordPress development that I’ve needed to figure out myself to work as a successful freelance WordPress developer.

Read full article: Becoming A Freelance WordPress Developer: How To Make It A Career