4 Steps to Writing the Perfect Proposal [Checklist]

If you want to get hired, a lot of the time you have to approach your potential clients and sell yourself to them. You need to convince them that the services you provide will help them enough to be worth the price you’re asking for. To do this, you need a good proposal.

The article below is all about writing the perfect proposal to win over clients, by selling them a story. It explains why this often works better than the simple price and time estimate proposals freelancers frequently use, and takes you through important traits of a good proposal to show you how to do it right.

If you’re selling yourself like a painter, and estimating out how much time it’ll take you to complete a project and then multiplying that time estimate by an hourly rate, I’d seriously encourage you to ditch your line-item quotes and move toward selling a story.  Here’s how.

Read full article: How To Write The Perfect Proposal