Is Building WordPress Websites Still Profitable?

There are a lot of tools out there nowadays that make creating your own WordPress website a much easier process than it was several years ago. With that in mind, it might seem more difficult to make a living building website for other people.

However, with the right approach, it’s certainly still possible. The article below will help you target the right audience for you and sell yourself as a solution to their problems, helping your business not only stay alive, but thrive.

The short answer to this question is, yes, there is still money (good money) to be had in the WordPress web design market. But I understand why you may be doubting that.

The WordPress market is full of themes and plugins created to make designing a website with WP a breeze. However, since so many view WordPress as an easy-to-use system, there is quite a large sum of people who think that they will only need to pay $500 for a site that you would rightly charge $3,000 for.

This is what has led many aspiring web designers or developers into what I call the Freelancer Starvation Stalemate.

So how do you do it? How can you make good money with WordPress?
Here are 2 tips to help you through.

Read the full article: Can You Still Make Money Building Websites with WordPress?