How to Make Your WordPress Plugin More Successful

Even if you make an exceptional plugin, it can be hard to get the sales, downloads, or overall conversions you’re looking for. There are tens of thousands of plugins out there, so how can you stand out in a saturated market?

Making a unique and compelling plugin certainly helps, but you still need your potential customers to understand what makes yours great if you’re going to get anywhere. One of the best ways to solve this is by writing an excellent plugin description, and the article below has all the info you need to make yours shine.

With over 45,000 plugins in the official repository, and many more on websites or even marketplaces such as CodeCanyon, how can you possibly increase your chances of success?

Whether you release your plugins completely free or as a part of a freemium model, or if you sell them on your own site or through CodeCanyon, the end goal is the same: get as many downloads as possible and achieve an excellent conversion rate. Here’s how.

Read the full article: Writing Smart WordPress Plugin Copy That Drives Installs