How to Handle Refunds for WordPress Themes & Plugins

Offering a solid refund policy is a good way to increase the likelihood of people being willing to try out your product. It helps them feel safer about their purchase. However, it does run the risk of refund fraud, and other potential problems.

But oftentimes the benefits outweigh the risks. The article below outlines what the risks and benefits are, and several different routes you can take when it comes to offering refund policies for your WordPress themes and plugins, and how to handle refunds in a way that works well for both you as the seller, and your customers.

Unlike with hardware or consumer products, people who purchase your WordPress software product don’t actually have to go back to your store and physically return it to get a refund. For digital WordPress products, it’s usually a simple email or a click of a button to ask for a refund, involving no extra cost for neither the customer nor the seller. Offering a refund policy has it’s cons to it as well, but ultimately, it helps reduce friction, making the decision to go ahead and purchase a license much easier.

Read full article: Refund Policy Best Practices for Commercial WordPress Plugins And Themes