How This WordPress Page Builder Plugin Earned $9,000 in Its First Month

Getting enough sales to your plugins to fund your business can be difficult. However, it can certainly be done, and has been many times before. One of the most impressive of these success stories is that of the Pootle Pagebuilder.

This is a plugin that earned nine grand in its first month. That’s a rather lofty number, and requires impressive conversion rates and a well-managed plugin to pull off. Read all about it below.

This is a deep dive into a very interesting success story with Freemius. You’ll see why it’s interesting in a few paragraphs. This time we are exploring a WordPress plugin called Pootle PageBuilder, talking to its founder & managing director – Jamie Marsland.

This is the interesting success story Pootle Pagebuilder with Freemius. We wondered how it gets such crazy conversion rates.

Read the full article: How ‘Pootle Pagebuilder’ Sold Licenses for $9K on Its 1st Month