25 Ways for WordPress Freelancers to Get More Leads [List]

The hardest part about life as a WordPress freelancer is consistently generating quality leads.  Once you’re established this gets easier because you get referrals and repeat work from past satisfied client.

But if you’re new to freelancing how do you first get that leads flywheel going over the first few years?  Here are 25 ways to generate qualified leads that you can start doing today.

The most difficult part of freelancing isn’t doing the work. After all, you started freelancing because you’re great at what you and and you enjoy the work.  It also isn’t managing the actual business side of things, even though that is a challenge for many freelancers.

The hardest part of freelancing is generating a steady stream of qualified leads and creating a full pipeline of prospects who value what you do, are ready to get started — and are happy to pay your full rate.

Read on to discover 25 tactics you can add to your brand marketing strategy to attract more qualified leads, secure more clients, and enjoy freelance success.

Read the full article: 25 ways freelancers can generate an abundance of qualified leads – The Garage