How to Get Leads & Sales for Your Freelance Business with Online Quizzes [Interview]

There are a lot of ways to increase sales to an online business. One important aspect is to increase visitor engagement. But how can you best do that?

One effective solution that might not come immediately to mind is online quizzes. Below is an interview with Josh Haynam, founder of an online quiz website. He talks about why he created it, and how to use online quizzes to drive sales to your business.

If you’ve been considering creating online quizzes to generate leads but put it in the ‘too hard basket’, then listen in to this interview!

Troy talks to Josh Haynam, who is the co-founder of Interact, an online quiz software company. They talk about how online quizzes are the ultimate interactive tool that you can use to increase your conversion rate. They also talk about not only the software behind it but more importantly- the psychology.

Read the full article: Generate Leads and Sales Using Online Quizzes with Josh Haynam