How to Launch a WordPress Maintenance Service for Recurring Revenue

Offering WordPress maintenance services as part of your web agency or freelance business is one of the best ways to add recurring revenue to your WordPress business.  But doing the work manually won’t get you the margins you need–you need the right tools.

ManageWP was the first WordPress toolkit for managing multiple sites and remains #1.  It includes tools for plugin/theme updates, backups, security, client reports and more across multiple sites.  Learn how to use the ManageWP site management tools to launch a WordPress maintenance service.

Launching a WordPress maintenance service is a great way to add a reliable revenue stream to your freelance business. And ManageWP can be there every step of the way. One user shows us how he accomplished it so you can, too.

Read the full article: How I used ManageWP to launch a WordPress maintenance service – ManageWP