3 Top Ways to Make Money with Podcasts

Podcasts can be a great way to get your voice out there, whether it be to teach, inform, or just make your opinion heard. But they can also be a great way to make an income, even a living, if monetized properly.

The article below offers three different ways you can monetize a podcast: affiliates, ads, and promoting your own products. If goes through each one at a time and covers them in depth, providing different methods of implementing them and a lot of details to help you weigh your options and choose the one that’s right for you.

I’m going to take you “behind the microphone” and share three different ways my podcast helps me make more money, and exactly where it all comes from.

Generating an income with your podcast is 100%, and you don’t have to rely just on advertisements and sponsorships. In fact, especially if you have a smaller audience, you have way more opportunity elsewhere to generate more income than you would with advertising.

Read full article: Income Report: 3 Ways My Podcast Makes Money (And How You Can, Too)