10 Proven Ways to Start Making Money with WordPress [List]

WordPress is a powerful and flexible tool that can be used to accomplish a nearly endless variety of things. Blogs, stores, online courses, promotion, and a huge number of things you can make to help others accomplish their own WordPress goals.

And what’s more, many of these can be a great way of making money as well. Below is a list of just ten of the best things you can do to make money with WordPress and some advice on how to go about each one.

What is your purpose of using WordPress? There is one answer I think most people agree on: “to make a living”. This answer should actually take up the largest percentage when it comes to the question I raised above. Why? Look at how much you can earn!

According to CodeInWP, an average WordPress developer can charge as much as $50 per hour! So, if you are already traveling on the path of making a living from WordPress, knowing how to maximize the revenue is advisable.

It is also why I am here with you on this article! Welcome to “10 Best Ways to Make Money with WordPress”!

Read the full article: 10 Best and Proven Ways to Make Money with WordPress