Selling WordPress Plugins Directly vs. on CodeCanyon Compared

Plugin developers have a choice to make once their product is nearing completion. You’ve put the work in to get it finished and debugged, but now where do you sell it?

It might seem easier to toss it up on a site like CodeCanyon, write up a decent description, and call it good. And in many ways, this might be true. But is it better than selling your products directly from your own site?

Well, yes and no. The author goes through his experience with both in the article below, showing the advantages of each, and why he ultimately decided to make the move to his own website.

If you’re a WordPress plugin developer who is trying to make a living from selling plugins – you may have heard of CodeCanyon and want to know if you can make enough to support your living through this marketplace.

There’s another way apart from CodeCanyon, of course. You can sell your products directly via your website. In this post, I share my experience selling plugins from my Epic Plugins website direct to customers since I removed my plugins from sale on CodeCanyon in May 2016.

I’ve been keeping people up to date on progress via my transparency reports. However, I’ve not done a direct comparison of plugins sales vs CodeCanyon… until now.

Read the full article: WordPress Plugin Seller Discloses Sales: Direct vs CodeCanyon